Homegrown British Summer Flowers from our Cutting Garden

Free seeds with every posy!

We're pretty chuffed with how everything is growing at our cutting garden at the moment. Despite the low rainfall, the amount of organic material that's been added to the soil has allowed it to retain moisture very well and we have not watered any of the established crops this year.

A first for the posies is the addition of homegrown rudbeckia. These ones are Rudbeckia hirta 'sahara' and they are a double-petalled variety in russety hues that come up nice and straight.

This week we've also got free seeds with every posy! You can start your own mini wildflower meadow by scattering the seeds out of the nigella seedpods when you've finished enjoying looking at them!

It's British Flowers Week this week. Why not make every week a British Flowers Week with our unique British Flower Subscription.

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