Midsummer British flowers
It's July already!
You can find gorgeous blue scabious in the posies this week. Although I have lots of favourites, it really is my ultimate favourite flower. I love its true-blue colour, the textured centre and floaty petals. As it's a delicate bloom, you won't find it anywhere near a supermarket near you, so I hope you enjoy this special fleeting summer beauty. Also in the posy is our 'harlequin' variety sweet peas which are stunning and there's plenty more additional fragrance from the lavender, stock and phlox.
If you entered our exciting Facebook competition to win a year of MeadowSweet posies, the winner has now been notified. Apologies if it wasn't you but, if you entered, do check your inbox and you may find you have won one of our runners up prizes. Do make use of a voucher if you have one by ordering one of our single posies and thank you for taking part.