British Spring flowers including ranunculus in subscription posy

Mutant flowers!

Pon pon ranunculus in the posies this week. This unusual flower was originally a freak mutation of the standard ranunculus and was considered to be malformed until a grower saw its potential and cloned it to create this reliable cultivar that is now grown commercially as a cut flower.

It is lovely on our posy plot now that the weather is warmer. The cornflower, love in a mist, peonies, sweet williams and apple mint are ready to pick. We heard the cuckoo on the plot this week, marking its return to the UK from Southern Africa. In 2009, the cuckoo was added to the 'Red List' because its population declined by 65% since the 1980s. This is likely due to climate-induced shifts in breeding behaviour of hosts and pesticide use. Keep an ear out if you are out and about in the countryside and hopefully you might hear a cuckoo too.

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