Why subscriptions?
Why subscriptions?
These days you can get anything on subscription - coffee, tampons, flea tablets! Some things I think are helpful, others I think I can manage to pick up myself. We think MeadowSweet is a worthy subscription product because we'd like you to come on a journey with us to celebrate the seasonal changes through the year. We are always delighted when it's time again for the bluebells to flower, the lily of the valley, the cornflowers, the dahlias, the sunflowers and so on. It's a little miracle every time and we'd like to share the joy of what nature has to offer.
Our customers often comment on how well our flowers last. We do try our best. We use flowers at just the right stage, conditioning them carefully and delivering them to you in water by hand. Flowers at different times of the year last at different rates. Winter flowers are often more woody stemmed and can last longer than the softer, faster growing Spring flowers. We always intend for our posies to last at least 5 days but you can't get away from the fact that flowers are a perishable item. For this reason, we love our weekly posies subscription. Every week is a brand new design and we know that you will always have fresh flowers to enjoy the whole year round. This product includes a 25% discount on the cost of a single posy.