British coral charm peony posy flower subscription

What do Shirley Temple and coral have in common?

Two types of peony

Warm temperatures and downpours this week have brought everything on quickly in the garden. We planted a lot of seedlings at the plot over the weekend including zinnia, sweet williams, cornflowers, cosmos, carnations, sweet peas, antirrhinum, and stocks and some have put on a lot of growth already. The coral peonies in this week's posy are popping open before our eyes. There's another peony variety tucked in there too called Shirley Temple, a double rose pink bloom. These ones are a lot tighter so should take a little longer to open up. Keep a look out!

I'm going to be creating another yellow and blue themed posy for delivery 10th June. All proceeds from the sales will go to the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. If you would like to receive or send a posy that week, please select the delivery date 10th June from the drop down menu. Thank you.

 What's in the posy?

'Coral charm' peony, 'Shirley Temple' peony, sweet william, stock, pittosporum, allium, pink, currant, elaeagnus, love in a mist, bearded iris, astrantia.

What's fragrant?

Stock, pink, currant.

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