
Why subscriptions?
Why subscriptions? These days you can get anything on subscription - coffee, tampons, flea tablets! Some things I think are helpful, others I think I can manage to pick up myself....
Why subscriptions?
Why subscriptions? These days you can get anything on subscription - coffee, tampons, flea tablets! Some things I think are helpful, others I think I can manage to pick up myself....

What do Primrose, Tulip and Zinnia have in common?
Tulip Tulip, Primrose and Zinnia are all girls names but Tulip is also the odd one out as it's the one in this week's posy. Too early for the garden,...
What do Primrose, Tulip and Zinnia have in common?
Tulip Tulip, Primrose and Zinnia are all girls names but Tulip is also the odd one out as it's the one in this week's posy. Too early for the garden,...

Och aye!
Sea holly Sea holly, or eryngium, is a handy ingredient for texture and colour at this time of the year. Ever popular for Scottish weddings, this thistle-like flower is a...
Och aye!
Sea holly Sea holly, or eryngium, is a handy ingredient for texture and colour at this time of the year. Ever popular for Scottish weddings, this thistle-like flower is a...

100% Dorset grown flowers in our posies
100% Dorset! Every week we use British, seasonal flowers and foliage, but this posy might have our lowest carbon footprint so far. All the posy ingredients have been sourced from...
100% Dorset grown flowers in our posies
100% Dorset! Every week we use British, seasonal flowers and foliage, but this posy might have our lowest carbon footprint so far. All the posy ingredients have been sourced from...

How long do cut flowers last?
How long will my flowers last? It’s a good question. I try to design our MeadowSweet posies with ingredients that will last at least 5 days, and often much longer. I find...
How long do cut flowers last?
How long will my flowers last? It’s a good question. I try to design our MeadowSweet posies with ingredients that will last at least 5 days, and often much longer. I find...

What is a flower posy?
Why do we love making posies? Posies are dainty bunches of flowers, often given as gifts. In the 15th century they were called 'nosegays' and their fragrance was used to disguise bad body odours!...
What is a flower posy?
Why do we love making posies? Posies are dainty bunches of flowers, often given as gifts. In the 15th century they were called 'nosegays' and their fragrance was used to disguise bad body odours!...